Bootcamp 101 and On the Mat Class with Janet

Janet Stewart-

Picture to come

Janet BIO to come!

To Register in classes you can call 403-994-0606 or see contact below

Bootcamp 101 with Janet

Tuesdays & Thursdays
8:45am to 9:45am

Typically 10 class sessions ran back to back, $10/class
Class size is limited, so book your spot early!

Join us for this beginner friendly, low impact, full body workout. While the focus will be on learning proper techniques, this class is totally modifiable for those who know the basics and want to step it up a notch.
Class size is limited, so book your spot early!
Register or questions email

On the Mat Class with Janet

This beginner friendly mat class has been created using a combination of moves derived from both Pilates and Yoga. Emphasis will be on strengthening your core, while also improving your flexibility, your balance, your posture … and so much more!

Tuesdays & Thursdays
10:00am to 11:00am
Typically 10 class sessions ran back to back, $10/class
Class size is limited, so book your spot early!
Register or questions email