50 punch pass
If you plan on attending the gym less then 6x per month a punch pass could be a great option for you! Expires in one year time. $20 activation due upon your first purchase and once per year. New Members please make an appointment to set up your access and sign the waiver call 403-994-0606 or email myuptowngym@gmail.com
Punch Pass prices: 5-19 punches $10/punch OR 20+ $8/punch
Punch Passes have 24/7 access
RENEWALS: You will not receive a reminder email of your membership end date, save the expiry in your calendar! Please be advised of the hours below if you have let your membership expire and are renewing it you will receive a receipt followed by, within 24 hours, a confirmation of the extension of your access. If you have not received your confirmation email after paying and prior to visiting the gym, you should verify that your payment has been applied to your access by calling 403-994-0606 or emailing myuptowngym@gmail.com
*Renewal payments are applied Mon-Fri 8am-5pm and Sat 9am-3pm. Payments made after hours will be applied the next business day. The 24 hour on call service is for members who have paid within these hours.