ONLY FOR STUDENT up to 18 years or in post secondary and SENIOR 65+ A $20 Access Activation Fee will be due upon first arrival. ONLY FOR STUDENTS and SENIORS. ID's will be verified.
A $20 Access Activation Fee will be due upon first arrival. PAY YOUR ACTIVATION FEE ONLINE TO ELIMINATE PAYING UPON ARRIVAL, ADD IT TO YOUR CART! Activation fee is due once per year.
Regular Price $340
Please be advised if you have let your membership expire and are renewing it you will receive a receipt followed by, within 24 hours, a confirmation of the extension of your access. If you require immediate access and have not received your confirmation email after paying and prior to visiting the gym, you should verify that your payment has been applied to your access by calling 403-994-0606 or emailing myuptowngym@gmail.com