5$ Drop IN Saturday TODAY!

TODAY! Saturday November 28


We are offering a drop in rate of $5 instead of $15! If you are wanting to try the gym before committing, this is the time!

It MUST be during todays special staffed hours, which is 10am-6pm!

Jess will be opening up the online booking - PLEASE book an appointment for yourself AND your plus one! If you are coming to try it out by yourself, please try and book yourself in as a “new member sign-up” - you can find the link here https://myuptowngym.com/pages/schedule-your-gym-time

We have a max capacity of 15 people, so to ensure your spot - appointments are mandatory!

Please do your Covid screening before entering the gym, if you cannot find the link or have troubles, we CAN do it for you while in the gym.

All drop-in’s will be subject to sign their waiver, Covid waiver & a quick orientation. We will take cash in gym or EMT - we are not set up to take debit or credit in the gym.

Here’s the best part!! IF you purchase a membership on the same day, while in the gym - you will save 10% on a one month membership OR if you buy a 3,6 or 12 month membership - you will save the $20 activation fee!

Looking forward to seeing some new faces!

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